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How to Create Facebook Lead Ads Campaigns to Grow Your Business in 2024

This article will explore Facebook Lead ads, explaining what they are and How to Create Facebook Lead Ads Campaigns for your business.

For effective business growth on Facebook, it’s essential to grasp the distinctive opportunities it provides and how it differs from other social media platforms. Just like you wouldn’t use a radio ad on TV, you shouldn’t advertise on Facebook the same way you do in a magazine or on your website. If you want to learn more about your customers, use Facebook lead ads because it stands out as your most valuable tool.

What are Facebook Lead Ads?

What are Facebook Lead Ads?

Facebook Lead ads are the advertisements that appear in users Facebook feeds and stories. They provide a way for businesses to collect user’s contact details like email addresses, and phone numbers without leaving the platform.

Lead Ads can be used to:

  • Grow the mailing list of your business
  • Schedule demos or quote price
  • Find target customers
  • Increase signups and enrollments for events or programs
  • Understand the behavior and interests of your demographic

How to Create Facebook Lead Ads Campaigns

How to Create Facebook Lead Ads Campaigns

Choose the lead generation objective

Start by creating a campaign and selecting “Lead Generation” as your primary objective.

Define your ad set targeting and settings

You can apply your preferred targeting options as usual. It’s worth noting that Lead Ads are effective on Instagram as well, and to optimize your costs while ensuring a longer ad lifespan, recommend using “Automatic Placement.” When it comes to Bid settings, “Lowest Cost” typically delivers the best performance.

Design your ad creative

Leads Ads have a variety of creative format options. It’s necessary to select a format that aligns with your specific goal. But don’t hesitate to try out different ideas to optimize your cost per lead. Another effective strategy is to include a video that tell potential customers before they complete the form.

Create your Facebook lead form

When a customer clicks on the ad’s “call-to-action” button, a Facebook form appears. This form is filled in with information from the customers profile to make it easier for them. It also saves the customer time.

Test everything before publishing

Before you start your new campaign, be sure to thoroughly review it. Its important to follow a testing process to ensure that you don’t miss any potential lead.

  • Start by creating a draft campaign on Facebook.
  • Thoroughly review your campaign, Ad Set and Ad settings.
  • Preview your ad in your Newsfeed by going to one of your Ads and clicking the preview button.
  • Select the “Send to Facebook” link, which sends a notification to your Facebook account.
  • Click on the notification to preview the ad on your Facebook mobile app or desktop.
  • Now pretend like you’re a customer and submit the lead to check the process.

Measure and track everything

You can’t optimize, if you don’t know the things. It’s highly recommended not to start a paid ad campaign unless you can monitor conversions at the ad or keyword level. Make sure to track and analyze lead campaigns accurately to gain better insights about your customers.

Facebook Lead Ad Best Practices

Facebook Lead ad best practices

Target your audience

Facebook offers a standout feature: audience targeting. With this capability, you can create a custom audience of people who have already engaged with your business. To further refine this target audience, you can specify factors like location, age, gender, and language preferences. You also have the option to customize the location settings by including or excluding specific cities based on their size.

Use automatic placements

If you’re just starting your business and haven’t tested various placements with your target audience, you need to Choose Facebook or Instagram for ad placement. It can be a tough decision for you. With this, Facebook will automatically display your ads in the locations where they are most likely to perform well. This way you can maximize your ad’s success.

If you’re managing various campaigns, automatic placements usually give the most favorable results. Facebook optimizes your campaign using automatic placements to maximize conversions and display your ads in locations where people are more likely to convert. However, if you’re using the traffic objective or another non-conversion-based goal, it’s recommended to start with feed and stories placements. Most advertisers prefer to use the conversion objective.

Keep it simple

You need to avoid asking for too much data in your lead ad. It’s necessary to strike a balance between gathering necessary data and providing an easy signup process for Facebook users. Because if you request too much information, it can decrease conversion rates.


With Facebook immense reach, it’s a smart move for marketers and business owners to explore tha available tools to display their products and services to a broad audience. Facebook lead ads are among these tools, offering significant advantages for advertisers. Lead ads provides a robust opportunity to generate valuable leads for your business.

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