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Top 6 Ways to Bring Traffic to New Site and Make Money Online

Optimizing the SEO of an older website with numerous backlinks is a simple task. After establishing a strong online presence, the costs of sponsored ads become more reasonable.

However, the real challenge is among the driving traffic to a recently launched website without depleting your budget. In this article, you will explore the quickest and most budget-friendly Top 6 ways to bring traffic to new site.

Top 6 Ways to Bring Traffic to New Site

1. Collaborations


Working with other content creators can help you increase traffic to your newly established website. Think about presenting podcasts or webinars with well-known experts in your field. You both gain from each other’s promotion efforts when you collaborate with other content creators. Start by conducting expert interviews and producing roundup posts if you’re beginning from scratch with no website traffic. Because people are usually willing to participate in interviews, this method works very well.

Getting featured in a roundup piece is something most people would gladly accept. Once the content they’ve a part is established, these experts often share it on their social network, which in turn, boosts your website’s visitor count. In some cases, you may need to reach out and request these experts to share the content they’ve been featured in. If you make such a request, it’s likely they will respond quickly.

2. Blogging on external websites as a guest author

Blogging on external websites as a guest author

Reach out to established guest bloggers on different websites. Offer them constructive feedback on their work and build a positive relationship. Keep sharing valuable topic ideas and tips to improve their content. Once you’ve established a strong connection, kindly request them to recommend you to the website’s editor as a potential guest blogger. This referral increases your chances of being accepted, as it comes from someone already writing for the site. When your guest posts are published, remember to link them to your website using a “no follow” link attribute.

When you use a “no follow” tag for an external content piece linked to your site, you’re ensuring that you’re not using this action for the purpose of building links or trying to deceive search engines. Instead, you’re genuinely bringing 100% referral traffic to your new website.

3. Push notifications 

Push notifications

Push notifications are the simplest way to consistently drive traffic. Many visitors who come to your site once may not return. Google Analytics cohort study can show how often customers return to your website within three months of their initial visit.

Implementing push notifications on your website allows users to receive instant updates from you. No need for visitors to provide their contact details or fill out extensive forms, it’s essentially a one-click sign up. Whenever your website publishes fresh content or has important announcements, you can send out a push notification to swiftly bring back those who’ve subscribed. The concept is easy, quick and highly efficient for driving traffic to new website.

4. Leaving comments on other peoples’ blog posts

Leaving comments on other peoples’ blog posts

It’s a great idea to leave insightful and detailed comments on other blogs within your field. Giving insightful input makes you seem like a subject matter expert and enables others to learn more about your areas of expertise. Users frequently click on the URL of your website when they see it in your comments, which greatly increases traffic. This tactic has helped a lot of website owners increase their online visibility, so you should definitely try it too.

5. Paid advertising 

Paid advertising 

Using sponsored ads to drive more visitors to your website should be your next goal. There are solutions accessible even with a tight budget. If you’re lucky, you can start addressing with $50 or $100 in ad credits from places like Google AdWords.

Keep an eye out for similar deals, as they can provide the initial momentum needed to drive traffic to your website quickly. It’s true that visitors from these campaigns may not immediately convert into customers due to the limited time for optimization. But it’s a promising task. Give it a try!

6. Freebies, incentivized content & special deals

Freebies, incentivized content & special deals

Expand your online visibility by establishing relationships with other websites in your niche. Provide valuable content to your shared audience and they’ll spread the world. As a result, you’ll attract additional traffic to a brand-new website that you have built. Many online businesses and websites smartly use substantial giveaways, such as cash and phones to grow their audience.

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