HomeMarketingBest Tips for Promoting Your Content on Pinterest in 2024

Best Tips for Promoting Your Content on Pinterest in 2024

In recent years, Pinterest has grown in popularity as a visually-driven social networking platform. Like most social networks, the site was not initially monetized, but it was later made profitable. With over 110 million users, now is the perfect moment to learn how to use Pinterest’s sponsored or organic pins to reach your target audience. These best tips for promoting your content on Pinterest should help you get going.

Best Tips for Promoting Your Content on Pinterest

1.  Publish High Quality Content on Your Site

Publish High Quality Content on Your Site

Publishing pictures and information that people want to see and read is the first step to success on Pinterest. Since there is no shortage of content online, make sure the content you provide on your website is unique and offers users genuine value. Consider your following; based on Pinterest demographics, the majority of them are probably female. Create content on a niche that suits your brand and cultivate it.

2.  Optimize Keywords and Topics

Optimize Keywords and Topics

Making sure your keywords and topics selections are optimized for publishing is the second step. You can reach a large audience by utilizing Pinterest’s integration with Google search and Facebook. You must make sure yours is relevant because Pinterest users mostly use the “search” option to browse by category. At this point, incorporate pertinent keywords. Ensure that your content is properly tagged to improve your search engine ranking.

You will have ample of opportunity to capture their interest because the typical visitor spends 15.8 minutes on the website every visit. To receive the maximum potential exposure, go for ideas that haven’t been well explained before. The Ad Words keyword tool indicates that 3,350,000 Google search queries in the US contain the term “Pinterest” every month.

3.  Use Pinterest Ads to Promote Your Pins with Paid Ads

Use Pinterest Ads to Promote Your Pins with Paid Ads

You can pay to promote your public pins using Pinterest Ads. When you see “promoted by” on a pin, it indicates that a company is funding its advertisement. Brands may design advertising campaigns on Pinterest with three main objectives in mind: traffic, engagement and awareness. Businesses are charging each time a user taps, enlarges, repins, saves, or clicks on your pin. Brand awareness is based on a thousand impressions. You are charged for each click through on your pin while using a traffic campaign.

You just have to pay for direct promotion when using promoted pins. This implies that you get free clicks when someone clicks on your promoted pin after it has been shared by another user. According to Pinterest, brands who run sponsored pin campaigns receive an average of 30% in free engagement.

Cost-per-click advertisements are the most cost-effective type of sponsored postings, as 80% of Pinterest users access the app through their mobile devices. Before clicking a pin, these users usually enlarge it for a better view. Use your promoted pins to conduct split tests to determine the most cost-effective for your company. All campaign kinds offer identical metrics, allowing you to assess which one is the most cost-effective.

4.  Promote Your Pins with Video

Promote Your Pins with Video

Recently, mobile users are the target audience for promoted video pins on Pinterest. Upon clicking, the user can view the entire video on these pins, which have an animated GIF. You can follow the Tip: You can for free put as many as six more pins beneath the video you have pushed. You may use these pins to promote the video content or provide further information by arranging them in a carousel manner beneath the video.

Although watching videos on Pinterest pins requires visiting other websites, like YouTube, Pinterest is working on a native video player that will hopefully be available shortly. Because of this, individuals and companies will be able to post videos straight to Pinterest.

5.  Pin at the Correct Time

Pin at the Correct Time

There is still a best time to post, even though Pinterest posts are always relevant. HubSpot states that the optimal times to publish on this social network are from 2-4 am on weekdays, 8-11 pm on Saturdays, and 5 pm on Fridays. According to Social Fresh, if you pin throughout the day, attempt to do it between 2 and 4 pm, or between 8 pm and 1 am. The majority of Pinterest users will be browsing during these times, so they will see your pins and respond to them.


There are more ways to market your goods and services besides just pinning an amazing picture. For your pins to generate audience interaction, they must be intriguing and pertinent. With the help of Pinterest, businesses of all kinds may benefit from an active and creative community at an inexpensive price.

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