HomeBloggingBlogging Vs Vlogging | Which one is better in 2024?

Blogging Vs Vlogging | Which one is better in 2024?

If you are interested in making money online via Blogging or Vlogging and you’re wondering which has more potential in 2024, we’ve got you covered. Our comparison article Blogging vs Vlogging will help you to make the right decision. Let’s have a look!

What is Blogging?

What is Blogging?

Blogging serves as a platform for content creators to share their thoughts and expertise to a global audience in the form of written content. The term ‘blog’ is a combination of ‘web’ and ‘log’, signifying a digital platform for sharing content. The individuals who produce these “blogs” are known as bloggers and the process of conveying information through this medium is known as blogging. Typically, content includes images, infographics, plain text, tables and various other formats.

Advantages of Blogging

  • Blogs are less-time consuming as compared to the generating content
  • More than half of the internet-users find the information what they are looking for via blogs
  • Staring a blog is cost-effective as it requires minimal resources
  • Blogs offer faster page loading speed, a crucial ranking factor, compared to the vlogs containing the same content.

Disadvantages of Blogging

  • Blogs also limit creativity as compares to vlog
  • To drive substantial traffic, a critical aspect for monetizing your content, you must have additional skills like SEO, tools like SEMrush can be valuable for SEO optimization
  • Having grammatical errors can impact your SEO rankings.

What is Vlogging?

What is Vlogging?

In contrast to Blogging, Vlogging is a process of sharing information through videos rather than text. Vloggers create videos or vlogs, to express their thoughts on specific topics. The main difference between blogging and vlogging is that one is written in text and other in visuals (videos). content creators who choose this type of medium are called vloggers. They typically use professional equipment to create the vlogs.

Advantages of Vlogging

  • The bounce rate is relatively low because of the engaging nature of the video content
  • There’s a significant potential for achieving high search engine rankings
  • Gathering subscribers and followers can also be relatively easy with the right content.

Disadvantages of Vlogging

  • Creating a single video is a time-consuming process
  • You’ll require various equipment’s such as video editing software, microphones, audio enhancers which can be quite expensive specially the high-quality ones.
  • Vlogs have slow loading speed as compared to the blogs
  • The demanding nature of vlogging can make it difficult to maintain consistency.

Difference between blogging and vlogging

Difference between blogging and vlogging

Let’s explore the differences between Blogging Vs Vlogging:

Time Commitment

A major consideration when it come to blogging vs vlogging is the time you’ll need to put into each one. Vlogging tends to consume more of your time because the technical process of producing high-quality video content is relatively lengthy. Blogging is also time-consuming but vlogging tends to be even more so. You may also want to invest in video editing software to help you to create the best videos for your vlog. Video-editing is very time consuming so consider this factor when deciding which path to follow.


In Blogging vs Vlogging, when it comes to the cost, Blogging tends to be more budget-friendly compared to vlogging. For instance, in blogging you need to invest in a domain and hosting. But for Vlogging, you have to buy video editing software, camera, tripod, and microphone. So, Vlogging is costly as compared to Blogging.


Another significant difference between blogging and vlogging is equipment. In blogging you can start with minimal requirements; all you need is a laptop and a reliable internet connection. On the other hand, vlogging demands a good quality smartphone, tripod and editing software.

Certainly, here’s the table that clearly shows the difference between Blogging Vs Vlogging:

MediumWritten content in the form of blog postsVideo content shared through vlogs
Audience EngagementPrimarily through comments and discussionsDirect interaction through comments and likes
Skill RequirementsStrong writing and SEO skillsVideo editing, on-camera presence
Content DepthSuitable for in-depth, lengthy topicsTypically shorter, more visual content
MonetizationAds, affiliate marketing, sponsored postsAds, affiliate marketing, sponsored videos
AccessibilityEasier to consume for hearing-impairedMay include subtitles or transcripts
EquipmentLaptop/desktop, writing softwareCamera, microphone, video editing software
PortabilityCan be done from anywhere with internetRequires video recording equipment
Learning CurveWriting skills can be developed over timeVideo production skills may take longer

Blogging vs Vlogging: which one is better?

Which one is better between blogging vs vlogging has been a popular question for a while now? Some people believe that blogging is better while other claims that vlogging takes the lead.

When it comes to blogging vs vlogging, you can choose according to your interests. But the main things for it is your passion. If you can write well and hesitate to be in front of camera, blogging might be the better choice for you.


Newcomers often wonder about Blogging Vs Vlogging. But, as we’ve mentioned before, the choice depends on what you like. Don’t pick something you don’t care about or don’t know well. Both can help you to make money. Just focus on your goals and don’t get distracted. But remember that big achievements don’t happen overnight or in a short time. It takes consistent effort and hard work. Stay dedicated, maintain a regular routine, and success will come your way gradually.

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