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How to Use LinkedIn Video for Social Selling in 2024 | Best Tips

The largest and greatest professional social media network in the world, LinkedIn, only started allowing videos from all of its users to be embedded on the network, as opposed to just a small number of influencers, in 2017. Individuals on LinkedIn have many more options now that this tool is available, but they need to be used cautiously. After all, this is LinkedIn. This is no ordinary social networking site where people only play games and have fun.

How to Use LinkedIn Video for Social Selling

How to Use LinkedIn Video for Social Selling

Focus on Quality Content

The outcome will mostly depend on how much work you put into your video material, just like with any other digital selling activity. This is where quality should come first more than anything else. Your fellow professionals and business associates are the target audience for the videos you are showcasing. This typically indicates that a self-shot, spontaneous video that lacks editing, production values, and a clear goal will definitely cause you more harm than good. It’s already conveying the message that you lack expertise and are unwilling to share it.

You wouldn’t wear your pajamas to a job interview, so similarly, your video work shouldn’t be shoddy, unprepared, or beginner-level. Viewers of the video may hire you, invest in your company, or use it as a networking tool for other partners or businesses. Make sure your video conveys the seriousness with which your company operates and the principles that define your brand; otherwise, you risk losing clients and being less relevant.

Choose Detailed and Long-Form Content

LinkedIn videos can only be 10 minutes long. If the information is essential and helpful, don’t be scared to provide content that is several minutes long. Because LinkedIn is a professional network as opposed to other social media sites, digital selling operates differently there. You’re not attempting to leave a lasting, spectacular impression on as many people as you can. You are attempting to persuade thoughtful, knowledgeable decision-makers (who may benefit from your assistance) to adopt your point of view.

As a result, you should cater to the preferences of those who want to read lengthy articles, in-depth pieces, and blog entries and who are looking for accurate and thorough content. For a brief, sensory impact, a thirty-second advertisement is suitable. LinkedIn, meanwhile, is all about content. Good arguments and even better business sense are what people want to see, and they are prepared to invest the time to see you provide them. Since they have longer attention spans than other people, take advantage of this chance, which isn’t as common on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

Use the Analytics

LinkedIn video offers a greater level of insight into your audience, which is one its best (and possibly most significant) aspects. That is a really helpful aspect on a professional or social network where everyone is much more purposeful in their actions and is more relevant to you and your career objectives.

Use the time to make use of the analytics that LinkedIn video is offering you. Recognize who is watching the video and consider the perspectives of those who differ from you. Along with a viewer’s name, LinkedIn can display their job title, place of employment, and total number of views for your video. You can more effectively target your efforts with the use of this kind of information.

Write Descriptions

Your LinkedIn video now has a description option. Remind yourself that LinkedIn values accuracy and high-quality content. Use the description to provide extra information, support key ideas or claims, or provide more detail. People are searching for that. You will be more engaging if you can convey greater depth, relevance, and competence.

Engage With Peers

Engaging with and discussing information on LinkedIn is considerably simpler due to its more substantive nature, therefore you should seize any chance to do so. You can demonstrate your even greater understanding and expertise with a particular issue by engaging in discussions about the content with others as well as by answering and asking questions. But now that colleagues and other professionals in the field are seeing your interactions, your words have greater weight.

Nurture Your Connections

Quality is more essential than quantity on LinkedIn. Therefore, the key to success isn’t counting how many people, thousands, hundred, or even dozens watch your video. Even if only three individuals watch your content and are interested in making a purchase, digital selling can have a significant influence in a setting where content viewers have the potential to be important decision makers.

Thus, give yourself time to develop and interact with deep relationships. On a far more specialized social media network like LinkedIn, it is really counterproductive to try to ensure that your video receives the maximum exposure to the widest possible audience. Never forget that, regardless of the social media site you use, quality always matters. However, keep in mind that certain social media behaviors like attempting to find the common ground or arguing in a way that emphasizes style over substance are inappropriate for LinkedIn.

Ensure Your Company’s Profile Up-to-date

Whenever you connect with a potential prospect, they will most likely immediately look up your profile online. It is essential to make sure that the goods or services offered by your business are communicated clearly and make an impact. Although you have a job as a salesperson, this may primarily fall within the category of marketing. Keeping in mind that you are a member of a cohesive team, striving for common objectives. Do not hesitate to step in and assist, even if you are not the only one responsible for improving the company’s presentation. Work together, impart your knowledge, and assist others as needed. Together, you’ll improve the prospects’ perception of your business, leaving them completely impressed and eager to interact.

Types of LinkedIn Video

Types of LinkedIn Video

Embedded Videos

A lot of companies still frequently upload their videos to websites like Vimeo or YouTube, then post the link on LinkedIn. This is effective, however, LinkedIn native videos are often a better approach for various reasons.

LinkedIn Native Video

“Native video” refers to content that is produced on LinkedIn or posted straight on the platform. LinkedIn native video auto-plays in-feed, making it more likely to attract attention than embedded videos. Based on metrics, native videos on Facebook receive ten times more shares than linked videos. This increase is probably also true for native videos on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Video Ad

Sponsored company videos that show up in the LinkedIn stream are called LinkedIn video advertising. Since video ads are often presented to a bigger, more targeted audience, they have a better potential to enhance lead generation, brand exposure, and brand consideration. LinkedIn video advertising have a maximum duration of 30 minutes, in contrast to 10 minutes for LinkedIn native video. Administrators of company pages have the option to sponsor an already-published post or use Campaign Manager to build up a video ad campaign.

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