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Shopify vs. Amazon for Successful Dropshipping: Which One’s Right for You in 2024?

Dropshipping is an easy and clever method of selling stuff on the internet without the need to have all those goods in your house or shop.

For entrepreneurs that are finding ways of reducing inventory costs as well as expanding their product offerings, dropshipping could be an easy way out. It’s like being the middleman between the customer and the supplier. Two big names in this game are Shopify and Amazon. Each one has its own weakness and strengths, and picking one depends on what you’re looking for in your business, like how easy it is to use, how much control you want, how much it costs, and how big you want to grow. Let’s break down what Shopify and Amazon offer for dropshipping, in a simple way, so you can figure out which one fits your plan better.

What’s Dropshipping Anyway?

So, before we move towards choosing the right platform, we need to first have a basic understanding of what dropshipping really is. To begin with, it’s like having an online store where you can sell products online, but you don’t need a warehouse or space in your house for storage. When a customer orders something from your shop the company will ship the items directly to the customer, as they have all your products in their inventory. This was you can start a new business easily without worrying about the shipping and the inventory costs.

Choosing Your Platform: Shopify or Amazon?

Here are the main things one should know about Shopify vs. Amazon for dropshipping that will help you make an informed decision full of data analysis and information absorption.

Think of it like playing a role between buyers and sellers. Shopify and Amazon are two big names here. There are pros and cons for both, depending on what you want from your business, such as simplicity, control, cost, and size of growth.

Choosing between Shopify and Amazon for your dropshipping business comes down to knowing these platforms well, aligning the given capabilities with your business objectives, and using exclusive tactics that would make you earn more money.

Let’s dive into Shopify first and see what it is, how to use it in dropshipping, potential earnings from it as well as its pros and cons along with some pro tips and lesser-known ways of increasing your income.

Market PenetrationImmediate access to more customersYou need to attract visitors to your store
Ease of SetupStart with low initial setup requiredRequires setup and customization of your store
Brand DevelopmentLimited control over brandingFull control over branding and store layout
Customer RelationshipsIndirect; Amazon intermediatesDirect; build direct relationships with customers
LogisticsFulfillment by Amazon (FBA) handles warehousing and shippingYou manage or choose how to handle shipping
FeesFees for listing, selling, and FBA servicesMonthly subscription fees plus additional fees for apps/themes
CustomizationYou work within Amazon’s templatesExtensive; customize your store with themes and apps
A Quick Comparison

Shopify: What’s the deal?

In 2006, some smart people started Shopify because they found it difficult to set up an online store to sell snowboards. So, Shopify was created to help people like them. Now, the great thing is that anyone can create an online store without needing advanced computer skills.

Shopify is an all-in-one commerce platform that helps you start, grow, and manage a business by allowing users to create their own online stores to sell products. It is globally recognized for being user-friendly, customizable, and providing comprehensive support to entrepreneurs.

Think of Shopify Like LEGO for Online Shopping

Imagine you want to create your dream store online. For that reason, Shopify is like a box of LEGO bricks. It gives you all the pieces (these are called ‘themes’) and you can put them together as you like. You can make your store look cool, professional, or fun – it’s all up to you.

What can you sell?

Anything really. Got some t-shirts? Sell ​​them. Did he write the book? That ton of me. You decide what to sell, how much to spend, and Shopify handles the boring stuff like tracking your stock and making sure you get paid.

Why people love Shopify

It’s super flexible. You get access to your store, talk directly to customers, and grow your business without leaving your bed. Plus, you don’t have to be a tech-wiz to get started.

If you’ve ever dreamed of being able to sell products online, Shopify just might be your best friend. It has everything you need to start from scratch and grow more. You can be the business owner, design your own store, and sell what you love, all without having to learn how to code or learn anything overly technical.

Dropshipping on Shopify

To do dropshipping on Shopify, you will build an online store with the help of the Shopify platform, choose items from suppliers who offer drop shipping services and list them on your store. When a customer buys a product from you, you buy it from your supplier at a lower price who then ships the item directly to the buyer. Though you never have physical contact with stock; nevertheless; you determine the selling cost plus customer experience.

Earning Potential on Shopify

How much one can earn through this platform varies greatly depending on aspects like their niche area of trade, advertising efforts put in place by such people together with the value they give their customers. A number of sellers make just several hundred bucks a month, while others make thousands or even tens of thousands.

Success on Shopify depends on the following:

  • Understanding your audience
  • Marketing effectively
  • Continually optimizing your store
  • Product offerings.

How to Start Dropshipping on Shopify

  • Sign up for Shopify: Go to Shopify’s website and sign up for an account. Choose a plan that fits your budget and needs.
  • Set up your store: Customize your store layout by choosing a theme and adding your branding such as the logo and store colors.
  • Know your products: Decide what you want to sell. Platforms like AliExpress, Oberlo (specifically designed for Shopify), or other dropshipping suppliers can work with suppliers to find products.
  • List your products: Once you have selected your products, add them to your online store. Make sure you use really good photos and write an attractive description that will make people want to buy.
  • Open your store: Once everything is in place, you can open your store to the public. Just make sure you remove any password protection so people can browse.
  • Tell people about your store: This is where you get the word out. Feature things like search engine optimization (SEO) in Google searches, post on social media, and send emails so people know what you’re selling.
  • Handle orders: When someone makes a purchase, you order that item from your supplier at a lower price, which is shipped directly to your customer. You do not have to deal with shipping or handling the item yourself.
  • Set Up How You’ll Get Paid: You need to decide how to collect the money. Shopify allows you to accept credit cards, PayPal, and other methods through their system.

Pros and Cons of dropshipping on Shopify

Customizing according to your liking:
One can make ones’ store to be what one’s brand is, providing a unique shopping experience.

You have access to more control in customer interactions, pricing and policies.

From small stores to large enterprises, Shopify can readily fit the size of your business


Monthly Costs:
There is a monthly fee that Shopify charges as well as extra fees for apps and premium themes.

Marketing Responsibilities:
This entails driving traffic to your store which is challenging for beginners who don’t know how to go about it.

Some tips and secrets you should know about earning more money

1. Choosing a Niche Market:
You can concentrate on a certain niche market so as to differentiate yourself from other competitors.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
You may optimize your pages for search engines, increasing organic visits to your online shop.

3. Email Campaigns:
Create an e-mail list with customers who will drive sales, tell about new products and hold promotional campaigns.

4. Upselling and Cross-selling: Increasing Order Value through Upselling and Cross-selling Techniques.

Unknown strategies

  • Leveraging Social Proof: Use customer reviews, testimonials or user-generated content on your site that will help build trust among visitors.
  • Influencer Marketing Partnerships: Collaborate with social media influencers in your industry for faster reach.
  • Remarketing Ads: Retargeting ads reinforce customers who didn’t purchase during their first visit back into the shopping cart.
  • Try a Subscription: If it makes sense, offer a subscription for your products for a steady income.

So, if you’re thinking about starting a dropshipping business, starting a dropshipping business with Shopify could be the right move if you’re up for building something unique and diving into a bit of marketing and design. Think of it as setting up your own space on the web to sell interesting items, engage with customers, and earn some income. Like any venture, it requires effort and dedication to really take off.

Overview of Amazon

Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, Amazon began as a humble online bookstore and quickly expanded into the department store it is today, covering just about every area imaginable—from technology and devices to customer interaction products

Think of Amazon as the most populous metropolis in the world of online retail, where merchants, from new startups to established brands, stock their stores with a wide variety of products, retailers with Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) uses either direct List your items indirectly or have service options, where Amazon handles warehousing, shipping, and customer service, providing a seamless experience for sellers and buyers

Prices vary widely on Amazon, reflecting the variety of brands and products available. Whether it’s the latest crafts or electronics, Amazon’s massive marketplace allows shoppers to browse and find exactly what they need, often taking advantage of Amazon Prime’s expedited shipping

In summary, of all the entrepreneurs and brands looking to reach more people, Amazon stands out for its wide range of services, breadth and convenience for both sellers and consumers.

Why Amazon for Dropshipping?

Now let’s talk about using Amazon for your dropshipping business. Amazon is like jumping on a moving train that is already full of customers. It’s a great marketplace where you can list your products and tap into Amazon’s huge audience, without having to shout to be noticed. Amazon is all about convenience and reach. This is where millions of people begin their buying quest, which means your product can reach a huge crowd from day one.

Selling on Amazon: The Basics

When you dropship with Amazon, you list the products on their platform. Once a customer places an order, you buy the product from your supplier, who ships it directly to the customer. Amazon’s policy is neat, but it’s important to follow their rules as far as maintaining your sales opportunities.

How to start dropshipping to Amazon

  • Create an Amazon Seller Account: Go to Amazon and sign up for a seller account. Depending on the number of sales you anticipate, you can choose between an Individual plan and a business plan.
  • Find a Dropshipping Supplier: You need products to sell, so find a reliable dropshipping supplier who can deliver the product and fulfill your order. Make sure they have experience with Amazon’s platform.
  • List your products: Once you’ve chosen your products, create a listing on Amazon. You can use:
  • SEO-friendly themes
  • Detailed descriptions
  • High quality images to maximize visibility.
  • Deciding how much to spend: Consider the cost from Amazon, how much you will pay for your product and how much you want to make. Set a price that feels right for the price you are selling.
  • Send the order to your supplier: Order accepted? great! Then, send that order to the people who actually own the item. It will be shipped directly to your customer. Just make sure they don’t put any ads or deals in the package so your customer can shop with them next time.
  • Be awesome at helping customers: Amazon really cares about making customers happy. So if customers have questions or problems, respond quickly and get things right. Happy customers generally leave positive feedback.
  • Continuously Improve: Check the offer now and then to see if you need to change the price or add new features. Check out Amazon ads to increase your product exposure and increase your sales.

The potential consequences

The sky is the limit, but there is competition. Your revenue will depend on what you sell, how well you manage your product, and how well you match up with your competition. Prices can be driven down by competitors, so finding the right products and the right pricing strategy is key.

Advantages and disadvantages of Amazon


Large Audience: Your product is exposed to millions of potential customers with minimal effort.

Trust: People trust Amazon, which can translate to higher conversion rates for your products.


Price: Amazon charges a fee for listing and selling products. Together, these can affect your profitability.

Competition: This can be tough, with many vendors offering similar products.

Less control: Operating under the Amazon umbrella, you have less control over your brand’s relationship with customers.

Successful tips for selling on Amazon

Make your products easy to find: Include popular words in your product name descriptions. This helps get your product found when people are searching for it.

Showcase large images: Use clear and really attractive images of what you are selling. It makes people want to buy your products because they look great.

Be awesome at helping customers: Always answer questions quickly and resolve any issues immediately. This keeps your customers happy and makes your proposals look good.

Some sage advice you may not know

Get information about Amazon: Learn how Amazon decides which products to show first and use them to increase your product visibility.

Create packages and sell more: Put together a few related products and sell them as packages. It adds value to customers and differentiates your offering from others.

Use Amazon’s advertising: Spend some on Amazon’s advertising to get more people to see your product.

Amazon can be a great place for your dropshipping business if you love the challenge of a tough market. This gets you more customers quickly, but to be successful, you need to have a clever plan, great customer service, and pay close attention to your spending and your competition. If handled the right way, Amazon can be a great option for your dropshipping business.

When to choose Amazon for dropshipping

You Want Immediate Traffic: Amazon has a lot of customers. If you want to create a large audience without spending too much on advertising, Amazon is a solid choice.

You prefer a more hands-on approach: the Amazon Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) service can handle warehousing, packaging and shipping for you, making it easier to manage deliveries . . . .

Looking for convenience: Starting to sell on Amazon can be quick for drop shippers who don’t want to spend time building a website or brand from scratch.

Why choose Amazon

Established customers: Having millions of customers can lead to faster sales.

Less Initial Setup: You can start selling without having to create a website.

Amazon’s trust factor: Customers are generally more willing to buy from Amazon because they trust the platform.

Choose Shopify for Dropshipping When

Building a brand is important to you: Shopify gives you the tools to create unique online stores that reflect your brand, and give you more control over the customer experience.

Want direct customer relationships: Shopify allows you to communicate directly with your customers, collect emails, and build loyal followers.

Customization is key: If you want complete control over the look, feel and function of your store, Shopify’s customizable themes and apps allow you to create customized shopping experiences

Why you chose Shopify

Brand Identity: You can build and grow your brand in exactly the way you see fit.

Customer Engagement: Communicate directly with your customers to build positive relationships and loyalty.

Full control of your store: From design to customer data, you control every aspect.


The decision between Amazon and Shopify for your dropshipping business boils down to what you are looking for in terms of growth, customer interaction and brand development. Amazon’s massive marketplace offers unparalleled opportunities for instant exposure and sales, making it ideal for those who want to build a large audience immediately.

Therefore, choosing between Amazon and Shopify for dropshipping depends on your priorities. If you want to get your product in front of more people faster, Amazon is a great option. It’s big, so many customers can easily see what you’re selling. Amazon also allows you to store, order and ship your products through its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service, making things easier if you want to handle shipping.

Shopify is unique because it allows you to create your own online store. If you’ve got a unique brand idea and want to give your store the perfect fit, Shopify is the way to go. You can change the look of your store, talk directly to customers, and make it truly your own. If you’re ready to put in some work to bring people to your store, like through advertising or social media, Shopify is perfect.

So, if a quick and easy start sounds good, and you are ok with a great platform like Amazon, then Amazon might be the right fit for you.

However, if you dream of building your own branded store, and putting in a little work to make it successful, Shopify could be your best bet.


FAQ 1: Which is better for Dropshipping, Amazon or Shopify?

Answer: Amazon is great for quickly reaching more customers with less marketing effort, while Shopify is great for building a unique brand that has more control over your store’s appearance and customer interactions.

FAQ 2: What is the cost of Dropshipping with Amazon vs. Shopify?

Answer: Amazon includes a listing sales fee and an optional Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fee, while Shopify has a potential monthly subscription fee for content, apps, and marketing.

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